What Is Social Media?

Social Media is an advancing technological engagement tool that allows instant communication and feedback between individuals, groups, or communities of people that share the same interest or commonality. Social Media is used to exchange and share information and ideas, collaborate, and express one’s self through meaningful thoughts and or artistic expression. Currently, this can be accomplished through several means such as posts, blogs, videos, music, photos, voice recordings, broadcasts, or any other similar means. At the moment, there are numerous Social Media applications that are available for use depending on the desired engagement platform or target audience. Perhaps, two of the most popular Social Media applications are Twitter and Facebook. Both are extremely popular amongst both the younger and older generations alike and are a name brand amongst the Social Media community.

Twitter is a Social Network service that allows individuals to connect with one another through a short message known as a “Tweet”. Twitter users start conversation topics to inform and let others know what is going on. One of the nice applications of Twitter is its instant communication and feedback. A Tweet is no more than 140 characters long in which the sender sends out a short message to communicate his or her thoughts, ideas, pictures, and posts, just to name a few examples. Depending on those who subscribed to the sender already in the topic will receive the Tweet and is able to engage in communication or pass (share) the information (Retweet) to others who may also find interest in the Tweet or topic. As the Tweet and similar posts gain popularity they can be grouped through a hashtag (#) so that the topic can be found easier and participated in by others. For example, #SeattleSeahawks will have tweets regarding the football team. In Twitter, a word, phrase or topic that is mentioned frequently at a high rate is called a “trending topic”. Most Twitter users who start a Tweet would want to have a trending topic. Of course, as long as it highlights good points and benefits them. However, if it’s the opposite, it can have a detrimental effect. An example is VW and the recent emission scandal.

Facebook is a simple Social Network that allows users to create a personal profile that allows them to search, find, and add family, friends, and social groups, in order to send messages, communicate, and stay in touch. Facebook is perhaps the most well-known (if not most popular) social media application. Facebook was originally created for college students to connect with one another and since its conception has grown to over one billion users world-wide. Perhaps, the popularity of this Social Media is due to its easy use and practicality which makes it popular for all age groups and businesses.

If you use Twitter, what do you like to Tweet about on a regular basis?

If you use Facebook, what is your favorite way to use it?

If Twitter and Facebook is not your preferred Social Media, which application is?

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